IT 515 Decision Analysis for IT

IT 515 Decision Analysis for IT

Data Analysis Project

1) The purpose of the project is to explore a data analysis project including a proposal and a final report.

2) You should select a dataset from in a field that is of interest to you (e.g. the hospitals that have registered with Medicare). Examine the fields presented in the data set and postulate a couple of research questions such as, for the above dataset

· What is the distribution of the hospitals by state?

· What are the number of hospitals in each rating level?

· What is the distribution of the hospitals by type (e.g. psychiatric)?

3) In your proposal, describe the dataset you will be using (its size, type of fields, who is responsible for collection, and the file format selected).

4) Describe the questions you hope to answer and the methods you will use to analyze the data and to display the data visually. Explain the tools you will use (e.g. Excel).

5) In the report you will give the above with your actual methodology, any data cleansing you had to do (e.g. missing values) and give your results.

6) In your summary section, indicate what conclusions you might deduce from your results.